Recover and protect your WordPress website with Unhacked!

Unhacked fixes WordPress problems on-time with quick malware cleanup and security protection.

A comprehensive security solution for WordPress

Can a WordPress hacked website be recovered?

The short answer is yes, but it depends on the extent of the hack. In some cases, all you need is a plugin or security update to fix the issue.

However, in more serious cases, you may need to rebuild your website from scratch.

We can help you determine what needs to be done, and we’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your website is restored as quickly as possible.

Are you ready to recover your website?

Let us secure and protect your WordPress hacked site from hackers.

100% success rate in restoring websites

We have a 100% success rate in restoring websites that have been hacked. We know how to identify and fix the issue, and we’ll work with you to make sure your website is back up and running as soon as possible. With us, you’ll get:

Our team is highly skilled and will solve your problem in the fastest way possible without any compromise on quality. We use only the best tools, plugins and workflows to ensure you get what you deserve: a clean website with no malware or backdoors.

Why choose UnHacked?

We’re the leading experts in hacked WordPress website restoration in Melbourne, and we have the experience and tools to get the job done right. We also offer a range of services to help you keep your website safe from future attacks.

4 Step process to restore a hacked WordPress website

In a few cases, updating a version of WordPress and/or your plugins may resolve the issue. In most cases, however, we have to remove malicious codes from a number of files that are compromised. We’ll assess the extent of the damage as soon as we receive your request and respond with a solution that best meets your needs.

Site Assessment

We first need to look at your website and assess the damage, so we know how to proceed. This usually takes just a few hours.

Site Recovery

Once we’ve fully assessed the situation and extent of the hack, we’ll start recovering your WordPress website. We’ll always update you on the progress and be available to answer any questions you may have.

Site Restoration

Once we’ve recovered your website, we’ll test it thoroughly and then restore it back on your hosting platform. This ensures that everything is working properly and you’re fully satisfied with the result.

Ongoing Protection

We offer a range of ongoing protection services to help keep your site safe from future attacks. For more information, visit here.


It depends on how serious the hack is. If all you need to do is update a plugin or patch a security update, and you are aware of how to do it, then you may be able to solve the problem yourself. However, if your site has been significantly damaged or compromised, you may need to hire us.

Yes! Our goal is to restore your entire website (including files and media) back to its original state. We will not delete any data or files unless they were already deleted or compromised earlier during the hack in which case some data may not be recoverable.

Yes! We will adopt a preventative approach and recommend security updates and other measures to help safeguard your website against future attacks. If you are interested in ongoing protection from hackers, we recommend using our affordable monthly hack prevention plan.

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