Hack prevention for your website with Unhacked!

We provide services for preventing, detecting, and responding to website attacks.

Hack Prevention

According to a study by the University of Maryland, a cyber attack occurs every 39 seconds. In 2022, the average cost of a data breach was $13.86 million.

Website security is crucial to protect sensitive information and maintain customer trust. A hacked website can lead to data theft, financial loss, and damage to the business’s reputation.

Can a website be hackproof?

There is no such thing as a hack-proof website. However, by taking certain precautions and using the services of UnHacked, you can greatly reduce your risk of being hacked..

We highly recommend that all businesses take action now to protect their website and customer data. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how we can help keep your website safe.

Are you ready to recover your website?

Let us secure and protect your site from hackers.

Identifying common threats and security vulnerabilities

Some common website attacks and security vulnerabilities include:

  • SQL injection and cross-site scripting: Exploiting weaknesses in website input validation and output encoding
  • Malware: Malicious software that can infect your website and steal sensitive data or cause damage to the site’s functionality.
  • Brute force attacks: Attempting to crack passwords through trial and error
  • Cross-site scripting: A type of attack where an attacker injects malicious code into a website which can lead to data theft or site defacement.
  • Outdated software, weak passwords, and poor access control: Leaving your website exposed to potential threats
  1. Unhacked’s Hack Prevention Services Unhacked offers a range of hack prevention services, including:

    • Security assessments and audits: Evaluating your website’s security posture and identifying potential risks
    • Vulnerability scanning and remediation: Detecting and fixing security weaknesses
    • Continuous monitoring and threat detection: Keeping an eye on your website for any signs of intrusion
    • Incident response planning: Preparing for potential security breaches and minimizing their impact
  2. Best Practices for Hack Prevention Adopt these best practices to minimize the risk of hacks:

    • Regularly update your website platform, plugins, and themes
    • Implement strong password policies and multi-factor authentication
    • Follow the least privilege principle and restrict user access to essential functions
    • Use secure data handling and storage practices to protect sensitive information
  3. Recommended Security Plugins and Tools Enhance your website security with these recommended plugins and tools:

    • Firewall and malware scanning solutions for comprehensive protection
    • Intrusion detection systems for real-time monitoring and alerts
    • Backup and recovery tools to ensure data availability in case of an attack Choose solutions based on your website platform and specific security needs.
  4. Unhacked’s Maintenance and Support Services Unhacked offers ongoing maintenance and support to ensure your website remains secure:

    • Security monitoring and updates to stay ahead of emerging threats
    • Incident response and recovery assistance in the event of a breach
    • A dedicated support team for prompt assistance and guidance
    • Additional resources, such as tutorials and webinars, to help you stay informed