Recover and protect your website with Unhacked!

UnHacked provides you with the most efficient website security solutions.


Our Services

Your website deserves the best security.

UnHacked is the industry leader in providing website security solutions and services. We are experts at protecting your website from malicious attacks, such as hacking, viruses, malware, and spam. We use the latest technologies to keep your website safe and secure.

Website malware removal service

We offer a malware removal service for websites infected with viruses, Trojans and other forms of malicious software.

Google blacklist removal service

We provide a Google blacklist removal service to help get your blacklisted website restored in the Google search engine.

Hack prevention

We offer a wide range of services to prevent your website from being hacked, including malicious attempt of advanced DDoS protection.

Restore hacked WordPress website

We restore hacked WordPress websites and fix the vulnerabilities that allowed the hackers to gain access in the first place.

Restore hacked eCommerce website

We restore hacked eCommerce websites for businesses that rely on the e-commerce platform to sell products and services online.

WordPress brute force attack protection

We provide a brute force protection service to strengthen the security of your website to prevent hacking.

An unsecured website can be vulnerable to attacks.

A hacked website can lead to a number of damages. Some of the most common issues include:

Breach of privacy

Hackers can gain access to confidential information, such as usernames and passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal data. This can lead to identity theft, fraud, and other types of crime.

Damage to systems and data

Hackers can damage or delete files or cause server downtime, leading to lost revenue and productivity.


A hacked website can lead to malware infections on users’ computers, allowing hackers to spy on user activity for identity theft or other crimes.

Lost revenue

A hacked website can result in a loss of business, as customers may turn to other businesses – or worse, can even become your competitors.

Damage to reputation

A hacked website can make a company or organisation look bad, leading to a loss of trust.

System downtime

This can result in lost revenue, productivity, and data damage.